You have been massaging the whole body but have you ever performed massage therapy on the Eyes? The truth is over 30 million people are suffering from dry eye and we have had a product out for over 7 years that helps focus on treating dry eye. Yes its massage therapy for the eyes!

What is Dry Eye?

There are a few various conditions of dry eye but the main issue is called evaporative dry eye. In your eye lids you have these glands that produce oil and when you blink it spreads the oil over the surface of the eye. What most people are experiencing is that these oils have hardened up and have stopped flowing. Without these oils to coat the eye all the moister evaporates off the surface and they now have dry eye.

How do you treat Dry Eye?

Our MiBo Thermoflo is a massage therapy device designed to massage heat deep into the tissue to loosen the hardened oils. There are no disposables and treatments are 8 to 12 minutes per eye. Patients find it very relaxing plus they feel results immediately. Dry eye is a chronic condition and for best results they will need 3 to 4 treatments one to two weeks apart. Depending on the patients some might need monthly treatments while others could go multiple months until needing more treatments.

MiBo Heating Mask

We look at Dry Eye Therapy as Eye Hygiene. Or think of it like dental hygiene, the MiBo Heating Mask is like brushing your teeth every day!

MiBo Thermoflo

The MiBo Thermoflo is the device for in office deep tissue massage. This will penetrate heat deep into the tissue and help loosen up the hardened oils in the eyelids. 

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855-642-6356 ext: 1

Leah Yates 678-943-5952

Mike Whitehurst 214-507-8091


855-642-6356 ext: 2

Mike Lutz 813-545-9630